How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Car

Spider in car

Of all the pests that can get inside your car, spiders can be some of the most frightening, especially when dealing with the poisonous varieties. Instead of freaking out, you want to quickly learn how to get rid of spiders in your car.

In this guide, I cover the ways to remove spiders in your car. I also discuss how to prevent an infestation in the future.

How to Remove Spiders in Your Car

The traditional way to rid of spiders from a car is to catch them by hand. You can also set up sticky traps that they get caught in or use a chlorine bomb. Additionally, you can use a car vacuum to suck them up while cleaning out the interior of your vehicle.

Here are more detailed steps on how to remove spiders in your car:

1. Catch by Hand

The majority of spiders aren’t going to want to be near you. They will scurry when you come near, making it easy to spot where they are. If you can remove them by hand, you are providing a humane solution, allowing the spider to continue living out its life outdoors.

To catch the spider, get a glass jar and a piece of cardboard. You might still want to put on a pair of gloves to ensure you don’t get bit. Put the glass jar over the spider and slide the cardboard over the opening. Carry the jar outside and release the spider into its natural habitat.

2. Chlorine bomb

An old trick – and probably the best way to get rid of spiders in a car – is to use a chlorine bomb. A chlorine bomb is a package of chlorine oxide that many car dealers use to get rid of bad odors in cars. However, they also work great to get rid of both spiders and other insects.

The chlorine smell is strong enough to chase them away – and for the most part, even kill them. After using them, it is important to vacuum and clean the car thoroughly to prevent them from coming back.

Chlorine bombs are not recommended if you are allergic or sensitive to certain things. Check the ingredients before you buy.

3. Use Sticky Traps

If you are dealing with a spider infestation, or you don’t care to keep them alive, you might prefer making a trap. With a DIY trap, you can catch the spiders without any harmful chemicals. 

All you need is some corn syrup, water and cardboard cut into strips. Combine an equal amount of corn syrup and water in a pot and cook it until it turns into a glue-like substance. With a butter knife, you can spread the concoction onto the cardboard. 

Put your traps in areas where you have seen spiders, such as under the car seat. Check the traps weekly and retreat as needed. 

4. Vacuum the Car

Your spiders won’t be able to fight back against the power of a vacuum’s suction. When you vacuum a spider, you not only kill it, but you also store it away for easy disposal. Plus, you can easily vacuum up egg sacks. 

This method is probably the quickest of the three, allowing you to spend time on more important matters. It’s also the most effective, short of hiring an exterminator. Make sure you take your vacuum deep into cracks and crevices with a special tool. You can also vacuum the side view mirrors, dashboard and center console. 

Once you are done, remember to empty the vacuum canister or bag. The added perk to this step is that your vehicle will look clean and beautiful. 

Prevent Spiders from Entering the Car

1. Don’t Eat in Car

It’s commonplace to grab some food while on the go and eat in the car. However, this practice only encourages critters and insects to inhabit your cabin.

Food droppings and crumbs can attract a variety of pests. When bugs infiltrate your car’s cabin, spiders are sure to follow, since that is their food. 

2. Remove Clutter

Take out any unnecessary gear or clutter from the interior of your vehicle. Spiders like to hide in the dark places that the clutter provides. If you can eliminate these hiding spaces, spiders won’t feel comfortable in the car. 

When you arrive home, do a quick clean out of the cabin. You can carry small garbage bags with you to ensure all of the debris is disposed of properly. You can also keep a plastic bin in the car to hold anything that should go back into the house. 

3. Clean Interior

Take time to clean the interior of the vehicle often. You want to get your vacuum out and give it a good cleaning. If you clean the areas where spiders would hide, they won’t want to be in those locations. 

Start by vacuuming the floor. From here, you can get the vacuum deep into the corners and cracks, cleaning up any crumbs that have been left behind. If you can, perform these tasks once a week. 

4. Keep Doors Sealed

If the doors aren’t sealed completely, spiders will be able to crawl inside with ease. You can run your hands across the rubber door seals to see if there’s any damage.

If there are broken seals or cracks, you want to repair the area. Typically, these rubber seals won’t cost you too much, and the expense is definitely worth the cost when you consider how much time is saved not fighting spiders.

Additionally, if the rubber seals are dirty, they can create gaps. Clean the seals off with a damp microfiber cloth to reestablish the effectiveness. 

5. Avoid Idling

When your vehicle idles, there are vibrations occurring on the mechanical parts. Spiders like to hang out on these exterior parts when the car isn’t in use. 

If the spiders are located here while the vehicle idles, they will look for somewhere else to go. As they run for shelter, the inside of the car is the best solution. By reducing the time your car idles, you can prevent spiders from migrating inside the vehicle. 

6. Use Non-Toxic Repellent

Along with the other steps, consider using a non-toxic DIY repellant. You can make a spray from a variety of ingredients, whatever you have on hand. 

The strong smell will naturally repel spiders. Take two cups of water and combine it with about five drops of essential oil in a spray bottle. We recommend using citrus, peppermint, garlic, lavender or rosemary. 

You can also take eucalyptus leaves and place them around the vehicle. This natural spider repellent provides a wonderful botanical smell that provides a welcoming odor. You can place the leaves in storage areas of the vehicle, such as the glove box or trunk. Eucalyptus leaves are purchased at plant nurseries, or you can find them online. 

If all else fails, you can purchase a non-toxic spider repellent at your local store. These sprays make it simple to keep the vehicle free of pests. Just make sure you choose one that states it is non-toxic, as there are tons of dangerous chemicals being sold. These dangerous chemicals can lead to skin irritation and aren’t usually safe for your pets or children. 

Spray the commercial repellent under the hood. You can also put it on the tires, doors, mirrors and vents, anywhere that the pests can infiltrate the cabin. Once a week, reapply the formula to ensure there are no more infestations. 

Keep any spray, homemade or store-bought, away from the electronics of your vehicle. These sprays can harm the wireless charging station, stereo system, USB charging ports and anything else that runs on electrical power. If you need to get close to these items, apply the spray with a cotton swab instead.

Categories: Cleaning & Detailing, Guides

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